• Canteen facility started today 04 -01- 2024 at LNJP Hospital Patna for everyone at reasonable price.

  • Today, Farewell to Smt Sangeeta for her retirement. Director, Doctors and Office staff celebrated her retirement.

  • On 30 December 2023, DIRECTOR LNJP Hospital Patna Dr Subhash Chandra and Staffs celebrated Physiotherapy Day in the Physiotherapy Dept .

  • LIC handed over 10 stretcher trolleys to Dr. Subhash Chandra, Director of LNJP Hospital Rajvanshi Nagar Patna for the convenience of the patients. On this occasion Sri Shrawan Kumar, Zonal Manager , Sri B. K .Singh ,RM, Sri Rakesh Ranjan,Adm Officer, Sri Rakesh Kumar,Asstt ADM Officer,Sri Sanoj Kumar,RM [Marketing], Sri B.K.Singh ,RM[ CC/ Legal] and Doctors of LNJP Hospital were present.

  • Dr Subhash Chandra received Doctor's Pride Award,Dainik Bhaskar News Paper in Patna by Hon'ble Deputy CM Bihar Sri Samrat Choudhary and Hon'ble Health Minister Bihar Sri Mangal Pandey.

  • Dr Subhash Chandra Director LNJP Hospital Patna Guest of Honour at International Orthotist and Prosthotist day at Hotel Maurya Patna , on 5 November 2024.

  • It is with great sadness to inform that Smt Anupurana kumari (ANM), LNJP Hospital, Patna died on 24th October 2024.The entire hospital prays to God for the peace of her soul.

  • World Pharmacist Day celebrated today at LNJP Hospital Patna . We are thankful to all the dedicated pharmacist out there , who enrich our lives and improve healthcare.

  • डॉ सुभाष चन्द्रा ने लोकनायक जयप्रकाश नारायण अस्पताल, राजवंशी नगर, पटना के निदेशक के रूप में पदभार संभाला।

  • 01 / 03 / 2024 TO. 31 / 03 / 2024 ..

  • 01-01-24 to 31-01-24
    Total OPD registration-8927

  • Mr Keshav Kumar Singh X Ray technician is retiring on 31 January 2024 .
    A farewell program is scheduled on 31 Jan 24 at 1.00 PM, in the conference hall.
    All doctors, nurses and staffs of the hospital are requested to attend and grace the occasion.
    Dr Subhash Chandra,
    Director, LNJPN Hospital

  • 01-012-23 to 31-12-23
    Total OPD registration-9972

  • 01-11-23 to 30-11-23
    Total OPD registration-9471

  • आज श्री शशि भूषण कुमार फार्मासिस्ट का विदाई सह सम्मान समारोह आयोजित किया गया। इस मौके पर संस्थान के निदेशक डॉ सुभाष चंद्रा ने श्री शशि भूषण कुमार को शुभकामनाएं दिया एवं उनके स्वस्थ जीवन की कामना की। कार्यक्रम में LNJP Hospital के doctor एवं अन्य कर्मी उपस्थित रहे।

  • 01-10-23 to 31-10-23
    Total OPD registration -10563

  • Abha app started at LNJP Hospital, Patna. Dr Shivendra Kumar Singh , Dr Rakesh , Dr pranav , Mrs Roma Singh, from Piramal ABDM, Mr Tarun kr Sinha, Mr Manoj kr , Mr Shubham ,Miss Kanchan and all office staff were present during the occasion.

  • सूचना
    आज लोक नायक जय प्रकाश नारायण की जन्म तिथि है। इस अवसर परआज अपराह्न 4 बजे लोक नायक जय प्रकाश नारायणअस्पताल,राजवंशी नगर, पटना के परिसर में अवस्थित लोक नायक जय प्रकाश नारायण की मूर्ति पर माल्यार्पण किया जाएगा। निदेशित है कि इस अवसर पर इस संस्थान के सभी चिकित्सक और कर्मी अपनी उपस्थिति सुनिश्चित करते हुए लोक नायक को श्रद्धा सुमन अर्पित करें।


  • आज राजवंशी नगर स्थित जयप्रकाश नारायण अस्पताल के प्रांगण में भारत रत्न लोकनायक जयप्रकाश नारायण की 121 वीं जयंती अस्पताल के निदेशक डॉक्टर सुभाष चंद्रा की अध्यक्षता में मनाई गई। उनकी तस्वीर पर माल्यार्पण करते हुए डॉ सुभाष चंद्रा ने कहा कि महान स्वतंत्रता सेनानी, सम्पूर्ण क्रान्ति के उद्घोषक व समाजवाद के प्रबल समर्थक के रूप में लोकनायक सदैव स्मरणीय रहेंगे।

  • लोक नायक जय प्रकाश नारायण की पुण्य तिथि के अवसर पर पटना के लोक नायक जय प्रकाश नारायण अस्पताल में लोक नायक जय प्रकाश नारायण की मूर्ति पर डॉ शिवेंद्र कुमार सिंह, वरीय चिकित्सक के द्वारा माल्यार्पण एवं पुष्प अर्पण कर उन्हें श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की गई।
    डॉ सिंह ने इस अवसर पर लोक नायक की संपूर्ण क्रांति बारे में बताते हुए उस घटना का जिक्र किया वे संपूर्ण क्रांति के दौरान पुलिस लाठीचार्ज से घायल हो कर इस अस्पताल में आए थे और यहां उनकी चिकित्सा की गई थी।
    इस अवसर अस्पताल के अन्य कई चिकित्सक एवं कर्मी वहां उपस्थित थे।

  • 01-09-23 to 30-09-23
    Total OPD registration-11455

  • To all Doctors and Staffs,
    Please assemble today at 11.30 AM in the conference hall for the condolence meeting on the sudden demise of Dr B K Singh yesterday - 10-06-2023

  • It is with great sadness to inform that Dr. B K Singh died in the afternoon on way to his residence after he left from the LNJPN Hospital, Patna

  • It is with great sadness to inform that Dr. B K Singh died in the afternoon on way to his residence after he left from the LNJPN Hospital, Patna - 09-06-2023

  • The 74 th. Republic Day Celebrations at LNJP Orthopaedic Hospital, Patna comprised a ceremonial Flag Hoisting by the Director, Dr Subhash Chandra, Consultant Orthopaedician followed by a brief cultural programme. Dr Chandra highlighted the achievements the Institute had been able to make over the last several years. The Complex Surgeries being undertaken, the newer facilities now open to Public including In-house CT Scan, Radiology and laboratory.
    Post Graduate DNB Courses are also to commence soon.
    The Hospital has witnessed an unprecedented increase in the footfall of patients both in the OPD as well as the Trauma Centre.

  • The 74 th. Republic Day Celebrations at LNJP Orthopaedic Hospital, Patna comprised a ceremonial Flag Hoisting by the Director, Dr Subhash Chandra, Consultant Orthopaedician followed by a brief cultural programme. Dr Chandra highlighted the achievements the Institute had been able to make over the last several years. The Complex Surgeries being undertaken, the newer facilities now open to Public including In-house CT Scan, Radiology and laboratory.
    Post Graduate DNB Courses are also to commence soon.
    The Hospital has witnessed an unprecedented increase in the footfall of patients both in the OPD as well as the Trauma Centre.

  • अवधेश प्रसाद 65 साल,पिछले 8 महीनो से उठने बैठने तथा चलने फिरने से लाचार था, आई जी आई एम एस के MRI जांच से पता चला की मरीज के गर्दन का नस दब गया है जिसे सर्वाइकल कैनाल स्टेनोसिस कहते हैं।
    उनका ऑपरेशन CERVICAL LATERAL MASS SCREW FIXATION C3 C4 C5 AND C6 किया गया तथा LAMINECTOMY C3,C4 AND C5 आज LNJPN हॉस्पिटल राजवंशी नगर अस्पताल में डॉ सुभाष चंद्रा के निर्देशन में डॉ श्याम किशोर एवम डॉक प्रणव कुमार द्वारा सफलता पूर्वक किया गया।
    मुर्छक डॉ सोमा और उनके टीम ने सफलता पूर्वक एनेस्थीसिया दिया।

  • COVID 19 Testing shall continue today on 3 May 2022


  • पारस राऊत,73 साल,7 दिनों से बेहोश था ।ब्रेन के सी टी स्कैन से पता चला के बेहोशी का कारण मरीज के ब्रेन के दाहिना और बायां दोनो हिस्से में खून भरा हुआ है।
    जिसका ऑपरेशन ट्रॉमा सेंटर एल एन जे पी हॉस्पिटल पटना में डायरेक्टर dr सुभाष चन्द्र के निर्देश पर Dr श्याम किशोर द्वारा सफलता पूर्वक,26 जनवरी के दिन किया गया।ट्रॉमा सेंटर में ब्रेन का ये पहला ऑपरेशन था।

  • All doctors attended in meeting in conference hall today at 1.00 PM regarding starting of Trauma Centre from 1st Dec 2021 , and discussed the different functioning modalities .This is in view of the recent visit of Divisional Commissioner , DDC , RAD , CS , RDO ,RPM of Patna division alongwith Director and few doctors at LNJP Hospital , Patna , campus on 23 Nov 21.

  • Divisional Commissioner, Patna Sri Sanjay Agarwal,IAS visited hospital today.

  • Doctors day celebration by cake cutting organised by Meddione attended by Director , doctors and paramedical staffs of the hospital alongwith Dr Sunil Babu , Head Bihar State, Care India , donor agency for setting up a state of the art path diagnostic centre at LNJP Hospital Patna, approved in a meeting held with Executive Director State Health Society Bihar , on today 4-7-21 .

  • Hon'ble Minister of Health Sri Mangal Pandey will inaugurate the newly installed CT Scan of our Hospital tomorrow on 22 June 2021 (Tuesday ) at 4.00 PM .
    With availability of CT scan, LNJP Hospital will take a milestone step in serving the society.

  • Condolence meeting was held today at LNJP HOSPITAL PATNA in the memory of Late Dr Rajiv Verma Anaesthetíst who was posted in this Hospital in 2006.
    Dr Subhash Chandra Director, Dr Amarnath Prasad, Dr Ajit Kumar, Dr Sudhir Kr Singh, Dr Shyam Kishore, Dr Pranav Kr , Dr Devendra Kumar ,along with GNM, ANM, and Hospital staff attended the meeting.

  • Janaushadhi Diwas 2021 celebrated at LNJP Hospital Patna.Dr subhash Chandra, Director LNJP Hospital was present with other doctors ,nurses,paramedical staffs...

  • ISO Certification लोकनायक जयप्रकाश नारायण अस्पताल, राजवंशी नगर, पटना को प्राप्त हुआ।

  • PPP Mode CT Scan हेतु लोकनायक जयप्रकाश नारायण अस्पताल, राजवंशी नगर, पटना एवं मेडियोन डायग्नोस्टिक लिमिटेड, कलकत्ता के बीच एकरारनामा दिनांक को हस्ताक्षर किया गया है।

  • एनेस्थेसिया में DNB कोर्स लोकनायक जयप्रकाश नारायण अस्पताल,पटना में किये जाने हेतु दिनांक 29.01.2021 को रजिस्ट्रेशन किया गया।

  • The 72nd. Republic Day was elaborately celebrated at the Hospital. Dr. Subhash Chandra, the Director of the Institute, addressing a jam-packed audience spoke extemporaneous over the achievements made over the past few years. The facilities being made available to underprivileged patients and the additional efforts being made in this regard were highlighted. He lauded his Doctors for their bravado towards COVID-19. He reiterated that despite COVID-19 Vaccination, Social Distancing, masks and hand washing shall be in practice for sometime. Dr. Chandra was elated to announce the commencement of Diplomate National Board ( DNB ) Courses in Orthopaedics and Anaesthesia. There was also a tearful adieu to Dr. Dinesh Prasad, retiring at the end of this month.
    The entire Programme was moderated by Dr. P. V. Singh who besides anchoring provided commendable inputs in the midst of the things. He tried his best to allay all fears regarding COVID-19 Vaccination, reassuring that the Adverse Effects are rare and if it at all, the hospital is fully equipped to manage such emergencies.


  • Manav shrinkhla for Jal jeevan Hariyali, Madh Nished ,Anti Dowry, Child Marriage and " tree plantation " was organised in a big way at LNJP Hospital ,Rajwanshi Nagar ,Patna. All doctors and hospital staff attended this programme and made it a grand success. Everyone marched from the hospital and assembled on Bailey road and formed Manav shrinkhala by joining hands. Everyone appreciated this awareness programme of our Hon'ble Chief Minister of Bihar Sri Nitish Kumar ji.

  • Manav shrinkhla for Jal jeevan Hariyali, Madh Nished ,Anti Dowry, Child Marriage and " tree plantation " was organised in a big way at LNJP Hospital ,Rajwanshi Nagar ,Patna. All doctors and hospital staff attended this programme and made it a grand success. Everyone marched from the hospital and assembled on Bailey road and formed Manav shrinkhala by joining hands. Everyone appreciated this awareness programme of our Hon'ble Chief Minister of Bihar Sri Nitish Kumar ji.
    "Ashok" tree plant was planted on this occassion in the premises of LNJP Hospital,Rajwanshi Nagar Patna,in memory of this occassion.

  • Cordially invited for Dahi-Chura for patients and hospital staffs in conference hall in our hospital premises on 14/01/2020 from 12.30 pm onwards.

  • Message for Lnjp hospital's Staffs....

    Dear all ,
    Hon'bl Dr C P Thakur , Ex Union Health Minister and MP Rajya Sabha, is visiting our Hospital , tomorrow on 21 December 2019 at 1.00 PM , on the occassion of his birthday to meet the patients .
    Kindly assemble in conference hall and welcome him in our hospital.
    Regards .
    Dr. Subhash Chandra
    Director, LNJPHospital.

  • "SAWACHHTA PAKHWARA" was celebrated with full fan and fare at LNJP Hospital Patna.
    A team of more than 50 SSB personnel of Shashatra Seema Bal (40 th Battalion), saguna more , Patna , arrived at LNJPHospital in uniform on 3 December 2019 (Tuesday) at 10 AM and cleaned the hospital campus under "Swachhta Pakhwara"(01-12-19 to 15-12-19) under Swachha Bharat Abhiyan . Doctors, nurses ,paramedical and staffs of the hospital along with the SSB personnel ,assembled and joined hands for cleaning the campus . Dr Subhash Chandra ,Director LNJP Hospital , Patna, Comandent SSB 40th Battalion , Mr Surendra Kumar , inaugurated the occasion and Dr. Sarsiz Naynam Orthopedic surgeon coordinated the whole programme . The programme started with tunes of patriotic songs , welcome address by the director, and thereafter cleaning drive was started. Vote of thanks was given by Dr Naynam.

  • 10 पारामेडिकल कर्मचारियों की सेवा कर दी गयी समाप्त

    राजधानी के राजबंसीनगर स्थित जयप्रकाश नारायण अस्पताल के पूर्व निदेशक डॉ. दिवाकर के कार्यकाल में 10 पारामेडिकल पदों पर अनियमितता बरती गयी

  • राजवंशीनगर अस्पताल का ट्रॉमा सेन्टर 1 साल में बनेगा

    जयप्रकाश नारायण अस्पताल में 30 बेड का आधुनिक तकनीक से लैस ट्रॉमा सेंटर का निर्माण कार्य शुरू हो गया है

  • डॉ सुभाष चंद्रा राजवंशी नगर अस्पताल के निदेशक नियुक्त किये गए

  • डॉ सुभाष चंद्रा राजवंशी नगर अस्पताल के निदेशक नियुक्त किये गए

    डॉ सुभाष चंद्रा राजवंशी नगर अस्पताल के निदेशक नियुक्त किये गए | स्वास्थय विभाग ने डॉ सुभाष चंद्रा को राजवंशी नगर अस्पताल का निदेशक नियुक्त किया |


    The Bihar Hand Society with eminent Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr.H. N.Diwaker as it's Organising Chairman hosted a grand CME on Hand Surgery at the Indira Gandhi Science Complex, The Planetarium on the 19 th.of May, 2018. It saw an overwhelming participation of doctors from across the nation.The programme was formally inaugurated by the Hon'ble Minister of Health, Bihar Shri Mangal Pandey Ji by lighting the lamp.Dr S. Raja Sabapathy, Chairman, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore was the Guest of Honour.
    The Scientific Programme involved an elaborate session of lectures, case presentations, demonstrations and Power Point Presentations on different ailments afflicting the Hand and their latest protocols of management.Ranging from the Basics of Hand Surgery to Soft Tissue Coverage, Microsurgical Reconstruction and Rehabilitation. It also involved a discourse on Fractures with a special emphasis on the management of Scaphoid Fracture. Flexor and Extensor Tendon Injuries were also discussed. Nerve Injuries and their management also found a mention.
    The speakers made an ensemble cast.Besides Dr. S. Raja Sabapathy, there was Dr. R. Nehete from Pune and Dr. Anant Sinha from Ranchi.Eminent amongst the speakers were Dr. R. R. Kannaujia, Dr. Ajit Kumar Verma, Dr. V. P. Choudhary and Dr. Veena. The Vote of Thanks was given by Dr. Rajeev Kumar Rajak, the Organising Secretary.

  • A CME was organised in the Conference Hall to discuss the topic of Gout, chaired by the Director In-Chief, Health Sevices-cum-Director, LNJP Hospital, Dr. H.N.Diwaker. Dr Suraj Ghag on behalf of a pharmaceutical company put forth a Power Point Presentation elaborating upon the newer researches in the field as well as compared the age old Allopurinol with the newer molecule Febuxostat.

  • The Republic Day was celebrated with fervour and gaitey.Dr. H.N Diwaker, Director In-Chief Health Sevices cum Director LNJP Orthopaedic Hospital unfurled the Tricolour amongst chanting of the Nation Anthem.Dr. Diwaker also delivered a brief speech highlinghting the achievements made by the hospital over the years.He deeply appreciated the development of a second rung of Doctors, besides consultants who had acquired great skills and expertise in Orthopedic Care.There was also a word of praise for the efforts of the Anaesthetics and Interventionists.He further elaborated on his vision for the future in developing this institute in a Centre of Excellence.

  • A grand CME was organised at the hospital on 'Osteoporosis and Vitamin D Supplementation Regimes'.
    The function was chaired by the Director In-Chief ( Health Services )-cum-Director, LNJP Orthopaedic Hospital, Dr H.N.Diwaker. Dr Diwaker shared his vast experience and knowledge on the subject enlightening the audience with his deliberation.Consultant Orthopaedician Dr Subhash Chandra also shared the dias.He highlighted the phenomenon of Hypervitaminosis D and its management. Senior Orthopaedician, Dr Ajeet Kumar elaborated upon the prevalence of Rickets and Osteomalacia in the society.Dr P V Singh, besides discussing the non-orthopaedic manifestations of Vitamin D Deficiency offered the 'Vote of Thanks' at the end of the session. The Conference Room was jam-packed with all medical and paramedical staff in full attendance.

  • Amit Nath Tiwari 24 H /M presented with Fracture Right Radial Head.Was operated under General Anaesthesia.The Radial Head was excised and the Olecranon stabilized with K Wire.Wound closed and Dressed.Patient currently recuperating in the ICU.

  • Munna Devi
    Paliganj, District : Patna

    Presented with complaints of pain and difficulty in walking.

    Detected with Secondary Osteoarthritis Right Hip.

    Taken for Total Hip Replacement.

    Recuperating in the ICU Post-Operatively.

  • Day celebrated today August 15, 2017 Tuesday
    The 70th. Independence day celebrated with fervour and gaiety.The Director-cum-Director In Chief, Health Services, Government of Bihar, Dr. H
    N Diwaker unfurled the Tricolour followed by the National Anthem sung in chorus by the Doctors and Paramedical Staff.Dr. Diwaker put forth a wider vision of further improving the amenities available at the hospital, besides emphasising upon the commendable progress made over the past many years.He pledged to uphold the standards attained and expressed confidence in developing the Institute into a State of Art Trauma Centre in the near future.

Official Notices
  • कार्यालय आदेश
  • आउटसोर्सिंग व्यवस्था के तहत कपड़ों की धुलाई करने हेतु मेसर्स आर एस आउटसोर्सिंग को कार्यादेश के संबंध
  • कपड़ा धुलाई का कार्य बंद करने के संबंध में
  • मेसर्स RS OUTSOURCING को NON JUDICIAL STAMP उपलब्ध कराने के संबंध में पत्र
  • PSA OXYGEN Plant के मरम्मती हेतु संविदा - दर आमंत्रण सूचना